We have been selecting the best agricultural equipment for you for years! #Agricultural_machinery
The process of buying used agricultural machinery is associated with a large number of possible various difficulties and inconsistencies between the state of the ordered and received goods! To get the highest quality product at the lowest price that will serve you for many years to come and bring a good profit, entrust this business to professionals who have been trading in agricultural equipment for years and who have developed a base of permanent and trusted suppliers who can be trusted! Russia +7 920 117-04-05 Adalia, Belarus +375 29 828-32-89 Sasha, search for buyers of the harvest +7 909 433-29-96 Stanislav or https://www.facebook.com/stanislavstanislavovichvelikoredchanin/ (please write, not call, since I do not speak English)
#Agricultural_machinery #Used_agricultural_machinery #Sale_of_agricultural_machinery
Our website https://velikoredcaninstan.wixsite.com/tractora
we are in social networks
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Food-Growing-Machines-108890851535519
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/food_growing_machines/
Twitter https://twitter.com/FarmMachines
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/foog-growing-machines/?viewAsMember=true
YouTube account created and managed by Stanislav Stanislavovich Velikoredchanin, director of https://www.whitewert.com. +7 909 433 29-96
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